Natural Approach to Autoimmune Conditions
Over my 20 years treating inflammatory conditions, I have also had many cases of autoimmunity.
Because I work with patients affected by inflammation, autoimmune disease is a part of that.
These are conditions that are skin-linked or but also completely unrelated. However, it’s been interesting to see how many autoimmune patients also suffer from inflammatory skin issues.
What is autoimmune disease?
Our immune system protects us against external threats like bacteria, virus, fungus and parasites. In autoimmune cases, we work against ourselves. We recognize our own bodies as a threat.
With today’s rise in autoimmune disease, it calls for a correction of this internal communication.
If you need help or support navigating this, I’m here.
How is autoimmune disease treated?
Autoimmune conditions are usually treated with immune-blocking medication.
Naturopathic support can help with risks and side effects. For example, commonly used Prednisone, inhibits calcium. This increases the risk of bone density depletion, dental cavities etc. Nutritional recommendations and supplementation can make a big difference in preventing other health problems and side effects.
Naturopathy also offers another lens to view your condition and yourself, read on for details.
Naturopathy and autoimmunity
The goals when treating naturopathically are to identify triggers, stop flares, prevent tissue damage and help patients into remission.
Key factors are immunomodulation and inflammation prevention. Inflammation is a buzzword online but preventing this isn’t simply taking turmeric or starting juicing.
To do this properly, you need individualized, curated care by auditing your body’s systems. In doing this we are investigating sources of inflammation and imbalance.
When you take a line-by-line approach and assess inflammatory variables, you not only aim to make improvements but also gain insights to your body’s tendencies.
How is your digestion? Microbiome? Hormonal imbalances? Sleep conditions? Stress and nervousness system dysfunction?
Each of these variables has growing research as triggers and contributors. But we need to put them all together to make a strategic plan.
Emotional distress itself1 and history of trauma2 have been identified as possible links to autoimmunity, showing us how both stress on your mind and body systems are impactful.
Nutrient deficiencies, suboptimal organ function, blood sugar dysregulation, poor waste removal and liver metabolism, and low energy are all stressors on the body.
Getting Clarity
Many autoimmune cases can feel overwhelming, confusing and mysterious.
Naturopathy is about understanding our conditions, their root causes and our bodily patterns better.
It can also be beneficial in mitigating side effects and risks. Using naturopathic solutions is not about choosing either or. You can take a combined approach in a way that’s right for you and dictated by you.
If you need help identifying these, I’m here. Together we can discover more about your skin and body.